Creating Your Account
New Users Only
for Current Students
- Add this email address to your "contacts" or "safe senders" list to ensure you receive this email. Pioneer-Aeries@edcoe.org
- Click on the Aeries Parent Portal link above
- Click "Create New Account" at the bottom of the login box
- Choose “Parent” as the Account Type and click Next
- Enter your personal e-mail address, your password choice and click on “Next” (one time)
- A verification e-mail will be sent to you
- Click on “Confirm This Email Address”
- Return to the Login Page and log on
- Enter the Permanent ID number, the Home Telephone Number (or main number you provided to the school), and the VPC Security Code that was mailed to you. Click “Next”.
- Select one student name at a time, update the e-mail and then click “Next”.
- Add another student at the next screen or begin to Re-register your child(ren).
Students who have been enrolled in the District may begin completing the "Registration" process around mid-July.
- Click on the Aeries Parent Portal link above.
- On the top, middle portion of your screen, select "Click Here" in the yellow text.
- Update the required information in Sections 1 – 7 (on the left) using the directions on the screen.
- Parent/guardians should update the contact information and emergency contacts that specifically pertain to that person. It is critical that this information be accurate for ALL parent/guardians in the event of an emergency.
- YOU MUST VIEW AND COMPLETE ALL REQUIRED INFORMATION IN ORDER. Authorizations and Prohibitions force you to select a “Status”. Documents force you to click on “I have read.”
- After reviewing all information, click on the Final Data Confirmation tab and confirm your submission.
- PRINT THE "Data Confirmation / Signature Form".
- The Data Confirmation/Signature Form MUST be completed, signed and returned to your school office.
For technical questions and comments regarding this website, please contact the Webmaster.